Let’s clear the air on what genuine healing is!
Healing requires facing and processing difficult emotions or experiences, to achieve a sense of closure, understanding, and personal growth.
Healing is the process of addressing and resolving emotional and mental wounds.
It involves actively working through issues, gaining insights, and implementing strategies to promote overall well-being.
Avoidance involves intentionally steering clear of certain emotions, situations, or experiences. This can be a defense mechanism to protect yourself from pain or discomfort.
Toxic positivity is a form of avoidance strategy.
In my practice as a Trauma Healer and Narcissistic Abuse Recovery coach, I have realized that those who are addicted to consuming too much motivational content are the most difficult to heal.
That’s because having an unbalanced inclination towards only acknowledging pleasant emotions leads to running away from the real issues that need urgent attention.
While avoidance may provide temporary relief, it doesn’t address the underlying issues, and in the long run, it can hinder personal growth and healing.
Healing involves facing and working through challenges to promote growth and well-being, while avoidance involves staying away from those challenges in an attempt to sidestep discomfort or pain.
A balanced approach that combines facing challenges with self-care and support is the way to go forward.
So when do you heal?
You heal when you acknowledge the wound, take stock of the damage done to all areas of your life because of this wound, speak and express about it in a safe and non-judgemental community like Build Your Boundaries Tribe, and use the most powerful tools and techniques available ( which are all available in the content section) to keep healing and succeeding.
Healing from your dysfunctional patterns is essential because the cost of not being healed is a life of stress, self-induced psychosomatic ailments, hurting relationships, and a poor quality of life.
So what does healing mean to you now after reading this post?
Have you been practicing avoidance in any area of your life?
It’s time to share your insights in the comments