Build Your Boundaries Tribe
A thriving and warm community of empaths, lightworkers, therapists and authentic people who have decided to heal from their traumas, scarcity mindset, people pleasing, self critical attitude, self sabotaging behaviors, learn to build healthy boundaries and live fully with no apologies!
This community is a haven of love, therapy, support and healing.
This is your tribe if you have one or more of the following in common
If you have been in a codependent relationship
Suffered from childhood trauma, have the habit of people pleasing
Keep procrastinating and avoiding your self care
Living in chronic stress
Overwhelmed as a parent of young children
Take charge of your workplace and start thriving through consistent promotions and growth in your organization.
If you want to HEAL from all of the above through daily easily doable tasks, healing modalities, therapies and techniques.
Access a safe and a warm community of people who have been there and are successfully recovering from all of the above patterns.